In 2010, the catastrophic collapse of a parking structure in Hackensack, New Jersey led the City to adopt the Ordinance 21-2011, which mandates building owners with parking garages to have a periodic inspection of the parking structure every 5 years by a licensed professional to ensure same is maintained in a safe condition. The initial round of mandated inspection took place in Year 2011. The next round of parking garage inspections and condition reports are due for in 2022.
The Ordinance requires that all property owners submit an evaluation report prepared by a licensed professional.
From Ordinance: "Owners of commercial or multi-family residential dwelling units with a parking structure(s) including open or enclosed, detached or attached, below grade and above or below street level, shall be required to submit signed and sealed Evaluation Reports stating the integrity and condition of their respective parking structure every 5 years effective upon adoption of this Ordinance. The Evaluation Report shall include a completion schedule for any and all mandatory repairs and maintenance. Repair work that requires a permit shall be obtained through the Building Department. This Ordinance shall NOT apply to detached wood frame garages."
The Falcon Group has extensive experienced in the evaluation of existing parking structures and repairs of same. Our firm can assist your Management or Operations team by assessing existing conditions and preparing professional reports to City Officials. If repairs or maintenance are required, The Falcon Group can assist in developing scopes of work, repair drawings, specifications and bid documents to obtain competitive proposals for necessary work. Project oversight is also available should the owner deem necessary.
Should you wish to have us conduct a condition survey of your garage or provide any other service for your building, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will provide a proposal for these services immediately.